@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env pybricks-micropython
+import struct, threading
+from pybricks import ev3brick as brick
+from pybricks.ev3devices import (Motor, TouchSensor, ColorSensor, InfraredSensor, UltrasonicSensor, GyroSensor)
+from pybricks.parameters import (Port, Stop, Direction, Button, Color, SoundFile, ImageFile, Align)
+from pybricks.tools import print, wait, StopWatch
+from pybricks.robotics import DriveBase
+from devices import detectJoystick
+from joystick import JoyStick, BUTTON_A, BUTTON_X
+SPEED = 100
+COLORS = (None, Color.GREEN, Color.RED, Color.YELLOW)
+class Driver():
+ def __init__(self, leftMotor, rightMotor, diameter, axle):
+ self.driver = DriveBase(leftMotor, rightMotor, diameter, axle)
+ self.x = 0
+ self.y = 0
+ self.speed = 0
+ self.steering = 0
+ def drive(self, speed, steering):
+ self.speed = speed
+ self.steering = steering
+ if self.speed == 0:
+ self.driver.stop()
+ else:
+ self.driver.drive(self.speed, self.steering)
+class Robot():
+ def __init__(self, leftMotor, rightMotor, topMotor, diameter, axle, maxSpeed=300, maxSteering=180, port=Port.S4):
+ self.driver = Driver(leftMotor, rightMotor, diameter, axle)
+ self.cannon = topMotor
+ self.ultrasonic = UltrasonicSensor(port)
+ self.speedStep = 32767 // maxSpeed
+ self.steeringStep = 32767 // maxSteering
+ self.active = True
+ def drive(self, x, y):
+ # map y (-32768 ~ +32767) to speed (+maxSpeed ~ -maxSpeed):
+ speed = -y // self.speedStep
+ # map x (-32768 ~ +32767) to steering (-maxSteering ~ +maxSteering):
+ steering = x // self.steeringStep
+ self.driver.drive(speed, steering)
+ def target(self, x):
+ self.cannon.run(-x // 327)
+ def fire(self):
+ brick.sound.file('cannon.wav')
+ def inactive(self):
+ self.active = False
+ self.drive(0, 0)
+ brick.sound.beep()
+def autoStopLoop(robot):
+ while robot.active:
+ if robot.ultrasonic.distance() < 200:
+ robot.drive(0, 0)
+ wait(100)
+def main():
+ brick.sound.beep()
+ joystickEvent = detectJoystick(['Controller'])
+ if joystickEvent:
+ robot = Robot(Motor(Port.D), Motor(Port.A), Motor(Port.B), 55, 200)
+ t = threading.Thread(target=autoStopLoop, args=(robot,))
+ t.start()
+ def onButtonPressed(code):
+ if code == BUTTON_X:
+ robot.inactive()
+ return False
+ if code == BUTTON_A:
+ robot.fire()
+ return True
+ def onLeftJoyChanged(x, y):
+ robot.drive(x, y)
+ def onRightJoyChanged(x, y):
+ robot.target(x)
+ joystick = JoyStick(joystickEvent)
+ joystick.setButtonHandler(onButtonPressed)
+ joystick.setJoyLeftHandler(onLeftJoyChanged)
+ joystick.setJoyRightHandler(onRightJoyChanged)
+ joystick.startLoop()
+ else:
+ brick.sound.beep()