Localizable.strings 65 KB

  1. // 2020-10-26 陪陪版本
  2. "大神认证" = "";
  3. "设置登录密码需绑定手机号" = "To set the login password, you need to bind the phone number";
  4. "去绑定" = "To bind";
  5. "选择商户" = "";
  6. "选择商品" = "";
  7. "全部宝贝" = "";
  8. "我的订单" = "";
  9. "收货地址" = "";
  10. "已加入黑名单" = "";
  11. "已移除黑名单" = "";
  12. "同步到照片墙" = "";
  13. "已同步照片墙" = "";
  14. "已取消同步照片墙" = "";
  15. "复制成功" = "";
  16. "销售客服微信号:" = "";
  17. "APP客服微信号:" = "";
  18. "精准美肤" = "Skin Detect" ;
  19. "清晰磨皮" = "Light Blur" ;
  20. "朦胧磨皮" = "Heavy Blur" ;
  21. "磨皮" = "Blur" ;
  22. "美白" = "Whiten" ;
  23. "红润" = "Ruddy" ;
  24. "亮眼" = "Eye Brighten" ;
  25. "美牙" = "Tooth Whiten" ;
  26. "脸型" = "Face Shape" ;
  27. "大眼" = "Eye Enlarge" ;
  28. "瘦脸" = "Cheek Thin" ;
  29. "下巴" = "Chin" ;
  30. "额头" = "Forehead" ;
  31. "瘦鼻" = "Nose" ;
  32. "嘴型" = "Mouth" ;
  33. "原图" = "Origin" ;
  34. "自然" = "Nature" ;
  35. "淡雅" = "Elegant" ;
  36. "粉嫩" = "Pink" ;
  37. "清新" = "Fresh" ;
  38. "红润" = "Ruddy" ;
  39. "自定义" = "Customize" ;
  40. "默认" = "Default" ;
  41. "女神" = "Fairy" ;
  42. "网红" = "Belle" ;
  43. "自然" = "Nature" ;
  44. "精准美肤 开启" = "Skin Detect ON" ;
  45. "精准美肤 关闭" = "Skin Detect OFF" ;
  46. "当前为清晰磨皮模式" = "Light Blur mode" ;
  47. "当前为朦胧磨皮模式" = "Heavy Blur mode" ;
  48. /// ------------语音房--------------
  49. "我的语音房" = "My voice room";
  50. "创建房间" = "Create a room";
  51. "你还没有属于自己的房间哦~" = "You don't have your own room yet";
  52. "创建语音房" = "Create a Voice room";
  53. "房间名称" = "The name of the room";
  54. "请输入房间名称" = "Please enter the room name";
  55. "房间标签" = "Room label";
  56. "默认" = "The default";
  57. "房间类型" = "The room type";
  58. "请输入房间名字" = "Please enter the room name";
  59. "请选择房间标签" = "Please select the room label";
  60. "请选择房间类型" = "Please select room type";
  61. "进入房间中" = "Enter the room";
  62. "%ld号麦" = "%ld Number of wheat";
  63. "确认申请上麦吗?" = "Do you confirm the application?";
  64. "我再想想" = "I think again";
  65. "上麦" = "On wheat";
  66. "移除" = "remove";
  67. "取消申请" = "Cancellation request";
  68. "快速上麦" = "Fast on wheat";
  69. "全部移除" = "Remove all";
  70. "麦序排队" = "M sequence queuing";
  71. "还没有人申请上麦哦~" = "No one has applied for MAC";
  72. "我要上麦" = "I want to go to the wheat";
  73. "收藏成功" = "Collection of success";
  74. "已取消收藏" = "Canceled collection";
  75. "请输入%ld位数密码" = "Please enter %ld digit password";
  76. "麦位收益" = "M an income";
  77. "注:开启心动值后开始累计麦位礼物收益,关闭心动值或者手动清空心动值时,对应累计收益重置为0。" = "Note: After turning on the cardiac rate, the accumulated income of MAC gifts will be reset to 0 when turning off the cardiac rate or manually clearing the cardiac rate.";
  78. "房间ID:%@" = "The room ID: %@";
  79. "清空心动值" = "Empty cardiac value";
  80. "锁麦成功" = "Lock of wheat and successful";
  81. "取消锁麦成功" = "Cancel lock wheat successful";
  82. "禁麦成功" = "Banned wheat success";
  83. "开麦成功" = "Open mic success";
  84. "清空心动值成功" = "Clear the target successfully";
  85. "麦位无人" = "M an unmanned";
  86. "清空" = "empty";
  87. "抱用户上麦" = "Carry the user to the mic";
  88. "%ld人等待中" = "%ld People who wait for the";
  89. "管理" = "management";
  90. "送礼物" = "Gift giving";
  91. "查看资料" = "Check the data";
  92. "下麦" = "The wheat";
  93. "踢出房间" = "Kicked out of the room";
  94. "已成功切换至扬声器" = "Switch to speaker successfully";
  95. "已成功切换至听筒" = "The handset has been successfully switched to";
  96. "使用听筒" = "Use the phone";
  97. "使用扬声器" = "Use loudspeaker";
  98. "该用户已下麦" = "The user has dropped the microphone";
  99. "踢出5分钟" = "Kick out for 5 minutes";
  100. "永久踢出" = "Permanent kicked out";
  101. "踢出房间成功" = "Kick out of the room";
  102. "人气" = "sentiment";
  103. "设为主持人" = "Set as moderator";
  104. "设为房管" = "Set as administrator";
  105. "设为主持人成功" = "Set the support person to succeed";
  106. "设为房管成功" = "Set to administrator successful";
  107. "玩法" = "Room Rules";
  108. "您已被踢出房间" = "You have been kicked out of the room";
  109. "需要开启心动值才能进行麦位收益统计" = "Cardiac data should be turned on in order to carry out wheat yield statistics";
  110. "房间封面" = "Room cover";
  111. "房间背景" = "Room background";
  112. "欢迎语" = "Welcome Message";
  113. "主持人" = "host";
  114. "房管" = "administrator";
  115. "禁言名单" = "Forbidden list";
  116. "禁入名单" = "Ban list";
  117. "房间管理" = "Room management";
  118. "房间密码" = "Room password";
  119. "已关闭密码" = "Password closed";
  120. "暂无标签列表" = "No tag list";
  121. "已保存" = "Saved";
  122. "保存成功" = "Saved successfully";
  123. "房间上锁" = "Lock the room";
  124. "请输入欢迎语" = "Please enter a welcome message";
  125. "请输入玩法" = "Please enter how to play";
  126. "暂无在线用户" = "No data";
  127. "暂无主持人" = "No data";
  128. "暂无房管" = "No data";
  129. "暂无禁言名单" = "No data";
  130. "暂无禁入名单" = "No data";
  131. "天" = "day";
  132. "小时" = "hour";
  133. "分钟" = "minute";
  134. "永久禁言" = "Permanent ban";
  135. "确认取消吗?" = "Confirm cancellation?";
  136. "我再想想" = "let me think again";
  137. "已取消" = "Cancelled";
  138. "请输入4位房间密码" = "Please enter the 4-digit room code";
  139. "观众" = "Audience";
  140. "房管" = "Housing management";
  141. "房主" = "Homeowner";
  142. "超管" = "Super tube";
  143. "麦" = "mic";
  144. "选择对象" = "Select";
  145. "打赏" = "Reward";
  146. "人" = "person";
  147. "打赏多人" = "Multiplayer";
  148. "全麦" = "whole";
  149. "不足请充值" = "Please recharge";
  150. "上了主持麦" = "On the host";
  151. "上了%d号麦" = "On the %d wheat";
  152. "下了主持麦" = "Under the host";
  153. "下了%d号麦" = "Down%d wheat";
  154. "已关闭自由上麦" = "Closed free on";
  155. "已开启自由上麦" = "Free access to the microphone is enabled";
  156. "聊天公屏已关闭" = "The public chat screen is closed";
  157. "聊天公屏已开启" = "Chat public screen is on";
  158. "房间已解锁" = "Room unlocked";
  159. "房间已上锁" = "The room is locked";
  160. "心动值" = "Cardiac value";
  161. "至今" = "Up to now";
  162. "取消老板位" = "Cancel the boss position";
  163. "设为老板位" = "Make it your boss";
  164. "开启倒计时" = "Start the countdown";
  165. "结束倒计时" = "Cancel the countdown";
  166. "已取消老板位" = "The boss position has been cancelled";
  167. "已设为老板位" = "Set as boss";
  168. "30秒" = "30 seconds";
  169. "1分钟" = "1 minute";
  170. "2分钟" = "2 minute";
  171. "5分钟" = "5 minute";
  172. "此用户已在麦位上" = "This user is already on the MAC";
  173. "等待上麦" = "Waiting on wheat";
  174. "已抱此人上麦" = "He carried the man to wheat";
  175. "我要参加"= "I'm going to take part in";
  176. "已参加" = "Have to attend";
  177. "上%ld号麦" = "On %ld Seat";
  178. "等待参加人数(%ld)" = "";
  179. "嘉宾上座" = "The guest seated";
  180. "自我介绍" = "To introduce myself";
  181. "择偶标准" = "Choose a spouse standard";
  182. "真爱问答" = "True love quiz";
  183. "心动选人" = "Move the candidates";
  184. "公布心动" = "Published cardiac";
  185. "提前结束" = "An early end";
  186. "确定要提前结束流程吗?" = "Are you sure you want to end the process early?";
  187. "下一步" = "The next step";
  188. "确定要进入下一步流程吗?" = "Are you sure you want to go to the next step?";
  189. "选择成功" = "Choose success";
  190. "选择中" = "In the choice";
  191. "已选择" = "Has chosen";
  192. "未选择" = "Not to choose";
  193. "选择%ld号" = "Choose %ld";
  194. "关闭中" = "In the closed";
  195. "主持麦" = "Host of wheat";
  196. "老板麦" = "The boss of wheat";
  197. "开麦" = "Open mic";
  198. "闭麦" = "Close your mic";
  199. "开启倒计时" = "Start the countdown";
  200. "结束倒计时" = "End countdown";
  201. "已经被禁麦" = "";
  202. "播放列表" = "";
  203. "(共%ld首)" = "";
  204. "添加" = "";
  205. "你可以添加自己喜欢的音乐到播放列表哟~" = "";
  206. "添加音乐" = "";
  207. "本地音乐" = "";
  208. "从曲库导入音乐" = "";
  209. "热门歌曲" = "";
  210. "我的音乐" = "";
  211. "我的上传" = "";
  212. "最近下载" = "";
  213. "上传" = "";
  214. "暂无音乐\n请点击右上角【上传】进行操作" = "";
  215. "暂无下载记录" = "";
  216. "上传音乐请使用电脑访问" = "";
  217. "已下载" = "";
  218. "混响音效" = "";
  219. "摇滚" = "";
  220. "KTV(增强版)" = "";
  221. "演唱会(增强版)" = "";
  222. "录音棚(增强版)" = "";
  223. "流行(增强版)" = "";
  224. "留声机" = "";
  225. "虚拟立体声" = "";
  226. "兑换星钻" = "";
  227. "当前正在" = "";
  228. "进入语音房" = "";
  229. "交友" = "";
  230. "房间送出" = "";
  231. "在" = "";
  232. "去围观" = "";
  233. "喜结良缘!" = "";
  234. "恭喜" = "";
  235. "房间" = "";
  236. "的真爱榜" = "";
  237. "" = "";
  238. /// ------------语音房--------------
  239. /// 钱包
  240. "我的银行卡" = "My bank card";
  241. "银行卡" = "Bank card";
  242. "请输入预留手机号" = "Please enter the reserved phone number";
  243. "已发送验证码" = "Verification code has been sent";
  244. "验证码" = "Verification code";
  245. "添加银行卡" = "Add bank card";
  246. "确认添加" = "Confirm to add";
  247. "手机号码" = "Mobile phone number";
  248. "绑定银行卡需要实名认证" = "Binding bank CARDS requires real-name authentication";
  249. "去认证" = "Go to the certification";
  250. "放弃" = "To give up";
  251. "解绑银行卡" = "Unbind bank card";
  252. "到账银行卡" = "Debit card";
  253. "请选择收账银行" = "Please select the collecting bank";
  254. "选择银行卡" = "Select bank card";
  255. "使用转出功能,需要实名认证。" = "To use the roll-out function, real-name authentication is required.";
  256. "使用转出功能需添加一张支持提现的储蓄卡" = "To use the transfer function, you need to add a debit card that supports withdrawal";
  257. "添加储蓄卡" = "Add money card";
  258. "共享矿池" = "Ore Shared pool";
  259. "" = "";
  260. "你好,\n欢迎来到" = "Hello, \nWelcome to ";
  261. "欢迎来到" = "Welcome to ";
  262. "发送" = "Submit";
  263. "确定" = "Confirm";
  264. "打开定位,在附近推荐" = "Please allow access to location for nearby recommendation";
  265. "前置摄像头无闪光灯" = "No front camera flash";
  266. "静音已开启,观众无法听到你的声音" = "You have turned off the microphone, the audience can’t hear you now";
  267. "静音已关闭,观众能听到你的声音" = "You have turned on the microphone, the audience can hear you now.";
  268. "新增魅力" = "Increased Charm";
  269. "星币收入" = "Coins";
  270. "闪光灯已关" = "The flash has been turned off";
  271. "开播时间" = "The live starts at";
  272. "最高热度" = "Hottest";
  273. "最高人气" = "Most Popular";
  274. "直播时长" = "Duration";
  275. "新增魅力" = "Increased Charm";
  276. "匹配成功" = "Matched successfully";
  277. "麦克风已关" = "Microphone off";
  278. "人" = "people";
  279. "个" = "num";
  280. "去围观吧" = "Come and watch";
  281. "我也要玩" = "Try for myself";
  282. "禁播时长" = "Ban duration";
  283. "靓" = "VANITY";
  284. "退出" = "Exit";
  285. "是否将该用户添加为房管?" = "Want to add this user as Room Admin?";
  286. "禁言成功" = "Muted successfully";
  287. "邀请超时,换个主播PK试试~" = "Invitation timed out, PK with another streamer";
  288. "惩罚" = "penalty";
  289. "在线" = "Online";
  290. "离异" = "Divorced";
  291. "约会" = "date";
  292. "结婚" = "marry";
  293. "聊天" = "chat";
  294. "游戏" = "game";
  295. "默认城市" = "Default City";
  296. "签约公会" = "My MCN";
  297. "语言设置" = "Language settings";
  298. "更换语言需重启APP" = "APP needs to be restarted after switching language";
  299. "公爵及以上贵族专享,快去开通贵族吧" = "Exclusive for Duke Medal and above, activate noble now";
  300. "清除完成" = "Cache cleaned";
  301. "暂无消息" = "No messages";
  302. "年前" = "Years ago";
  303. "个月前" = "Months ago";
  304. "昨天" = "Yesterday";
  305. "天前" = "Days ago";
  306. "小时前" = "An hour ago";
  307. "分钟前" = "minutes ago";
  308. "刚刚" = "just now";
  309. "YaYa号" = "YaYa No.";
  310. "空空如也~" = "Empty";
  311. "为您推荐" = "Recommend for you";
  312. "~ 主播很懒 ~" = "The streamer is lazy";
  313. "搜索历史" = "Search history";
  314. "未直播" = "Did't streaming";
  315. "和" = " and ";
  316. "url_item" = "url_item";
  317. "我的%@" = "My %@";
  318. "详情" = "Details";
  319. "邀请好友" = "Invite friends";
  320. " 分享到 " = " Share options ";
  321. "保存图片" = "Save image";
  322. "已保存图片" = "The image has been saved";
  323. "注销账号" = "Delete Account";
  324. "申请注销账号" = "Apply to delete the account";
  325. "对于你将要注销账号的决定,我们深表歉意。为保证账号安全, 我们建议您清空您的剩余财产项" = "We apologize for your decision to delete your account. To ensure the security of your account,We recommend you to settle all the remaining assets in the application.";
  326. "我已阅读并同意" = "I have read though and agreed";
  327. "《账号注销协议》" = "Account Deletion Agreement";
  328. "申请注销" = "Delete Account";
  329. "申请注销账号" = "Apply to delete account";
  330. " 为了您的账号信息安全,请完成验证" = "To ensure the security of your account, please complete the verification";
  331. "将发送短信验证码至" = "Verification code has been sent to";
  332. "获取验证码" = "Get verification code";
  333. "注销提示" = "Notice";
  334. "申请注销后,您的账号将被永久删除,届时将无法恢复任何内容和资料,请谨慎操作。" = "Your account will be permanently deleted and you will not be able to recover any content and information, please be careful.";
  335. "拟注销账号" = "Your account";
  336. "确定注销" = "Confirm";
  337. "暂不注销" = "Cancel";
  338. "注销提示" = "Notice";
  339. "账号已注销,账号注销冷静期为180天内,冷静期内用相同账号重新登录视为放弃注销。" = "The account has been deleted. The cooling period is 180 days. Re-logging in with the same account within the cooling period is regarded as a waiver of deletion.";
  340. "当前账号已注销,还未超过180天的注销冷静期,用该账号重新登录会视为放弃注销,是否登录?" = "The account has been deleted, but still within the cooling period of 180 days. If you log in again with this account, you will be deemed to give up the application for account deletion. Confirm t to log in?";
  341. "邀请码:" = "Invitation Code:";
  342. "账号" = "Account";
  343. "安全" = "Safety";
  344. "您的反馈我们将会在15天之内处理完成。" = "We will process your feedback within 15 days.";
  345. "视频发布" = "Video released";
  346. "照片发布" = "Photos released";
  347. "发布" = "Release";
  348. "请输入标题" = "Please enter a title";
  349. "点我发布" = "Let me release";
  350. "快发布照片,和世界say hi" = "Post photos and say hi to the world";
  351. "快发布视频,和世界say hi" = "Post video and say hi to the world";
  352. "您已被踢下线" = "You have been kicked off the line";
  353. "视频" = "Video";
  354. "删除" = "Delete";
  355. "确认删除这张照片吗?" = "Are you sure to delete this photo?";
  356. "有爱评论,说点好听的~" = "Say something nice when you have a comment";
  357. "暂无评论,来抢沙发" = "No comment. Grab the couch";
  358. "作者" = "Author";
  359. "回复" = "Reply";
  360. "正在加载" = "Refreshing";
  361. "共 %ld 条评论" = "Total %ld comments";
  362. "—展开%ld条回复" = "—Expand the %ld bar reply";
  363. "—展开更多回复" = "—Expand more replies";
  364. "—收起回复" = "—Pack up the reply";
  365. "复制" = "Copy";
  366. "删除成功" = "Delete the success";
  367. "确定删除?" = "Delete?";
  368. "发现" = "Find";
  369. "审核中" = "In the review";
  370. "审核未通过" = "Failed to pass audit";
  371. "视频审核未通过,无法分享" = "Video review failed, cannot share";
  372. "精彩视频尽在%@" = "All great videos at %@";
  373. "暂时没有更多了~" = "No more~";
  374. "分享到" = "Share";
  375. "评论" = "Comment";
  376. "点赞" = "Like";
  377. "视频审核未通过,无法分享" = "Video reviewing and cannot be shared";
  378. "分享参数错误" = "Shared parameter error";
  379. "精彩视频尽在%@" = "Wonderful videos%@";
  380. "游戏" = "Games";
  381. "请输入邀请码" = "Please enter the invitation code";
  382. "封面" = "Cover";
  383. "开播画质" = "Live quality";
  384. "邀请记录" = "Invite history";
  385. "暂无记录…" = "No data";
  386. "" = "";
  387. //new add resource name
  388. "xy-json-noble" = "en-xy-json-noble";
  389. "pk-defeat" = "en-pk-defeat";
  390. "pk-victory" = "en-pk-victory";
  391. "pk-draw" = "en-pk-draw";
  392. "xy-icon-pkproceedwin" = "en-xy-icon-pkproceedwin";
  393. "xy-icon-pkproceedlose" = "en-xy-icon-pkproceedlose";
  394. "xy-lr-icon-gesguide" = "en-xy-lr-icon-gesguide";
  395. "xy-icon-bignoble" = "en-xy-icon-bignoble";
  396. "xy-icon-noble" = "en-xy-icon-noble";
  397. "xy-icon-supermanager" = "en-xy-icon-supermanager";
  398. "xy-icon-usermanager" = "en-xy-icon-usermanagerr";
  399. "icon_follow" = "en_icon_follow";
  400. "icon_unfollow" = "en_icon_unfollow";
  401. "icon_recharge_welfare" = "en_icon_recharge_welfare";
  402. "xy-shortvideo-living" = "en-xy-shortvideo-living";
  403. //excel from android
  404. "星芽" = "YAYA";
  405. "当前网络不可用,请检查网络链接状态" = "Network is not available, please check the network status";
  406. "请输入手机号" = "Please enter phone number";
  407. "输入验证码" = "Please enter verification code";
  408. "请输入验证码" = "Please enter verification code";
  409. "+86" = "+86";
  410. "获取验证码" = "Get verification code";
  411. "其他方式登录" = "Other login methods";
  412. "已向您的尾号%@的手机发送验证码" = "Verification code has been sent to your phone number ended with %@";
  413. "登录即代表您已同意" = "By logging in, you have agreed to the";
  414. "立即登录" = "Log in now";
  415. "登录" = "Log in";
  416. "重新发送" = "Resent";
  417. "使用该手机号登录" = "Log in with this phone number";
  418. "《用户协议》" = "\"User Agreement\" ";
  419. "《隐私协议》" = "\"Privacy Policy\"";
  420. "登录/注册" = "Login/Register";
  421. "绑定手机号" = "Connected phone number";
  422. "我的钱包" = "My wallet";
  423. "星元说明" = "Token Instruction";
  424. "主播认证" = "Streamer verification";
  425. "申请认证" = "Apply for verification";
  426. "认证审核" = "Verification review";
  427. "修改资料" = "Change information";
  428. "个人头像" = "Profile image";
  429. "修改昵称" = "Change nickname";
  430. "个性签名" = "Signature";
  431. "我的资料" = "My personal Info";
  432. "颜值封面" = "Profile cover";
  433. "直播封面" = "Live cover";
  434. "直播数据" = "Live Data";
  435. "我的房管" = "My room admin";
  436. "粉丝团" = "Fans Group";
  437. "兑换靓号" = "Exchange Vanity No.";
  438. "主播公会签约" = "Signed with MCN";
  439. "我的佣金" = "My commission";
  440. "我的认证" = "My verification";
  441. "转出" = "Withdraw";
  442. "转出说明" = "Withdrawal Description";
  443. "解除绑定" = "Disconnect";
  444. "转出记录" = "Withdrawal Records";
  445. "帮助与反馈" = "Help & Feedback";
  446. "意见反馈" = "Comments & Feedback";
  447. "魅力值" = "Charm";
  448. "富豪值" = "Wealth";
  449. "关于" = "About";
  450. "直播分类" = "Live Category";
  451. "上次开播时间" = "Last live stream time";
  452. "死鬼,我先走了~" = "I'm leaving";
  453. "小讨厌,想人家啦~" = "Not online";
  454. "死鬼~马上回来,等我哟~" = "I’ll be back soon";
  455. "确定要退出直播吗?" = "Confirm to exit the live?";
  456. "更换图片" = "Change image";
  457. "魅力值:" = "";
  458. "终于等到你" = "I am waiting for you.";
  459. "%@新增魅力" = "%@Newly added charm points";
  460. "%@星币收入" = "%@Coin earnings";
  461. "闪光灯" = "Flash";
  462. "摄像头" = "Camera";
  463. "美化" = "Beautify";
  464. "滤镜" = "Filter";
  465. "贴纸" = "Sticker";
  466. "麦克风" = "Microphone";
  467. "房管" = "Admin";
  468. "小黑屋" = "Black Room";
  469. "分享" = "Share";
  470. "磨皮" = "Buffing";
  471. "美白" = "Whitening";
  472. "锐化" = "Sharp";
  473. "瘦脸" = "Reshape";
  474. "大眼" = "Big eyes";
  475. "热度" = "Heat";
  476. "%@ 赠送%@个" = "%@ Send %@";
  477. "来了~" = "Coming~";
  478. "%@个%@ 快来围观吧~%@" = "%@give%@,Come and watch~%@";
  479. "立即开播" = "Start streaming";
  480. "关注主播,不错过精彩直播" = "Follow the streamer and not miss the live";
  481. "添加为房管" = "Add as room admin";
  482. "删除该房管" = "Delete the room admin";
  483. "直播已结束" = "The live is end";
  484. "%@最高热度" = "%@Hottest";
  485. "%@最高人气" = "%@Most Popular";
  486. "%@直播时长" = "%@Duration";
  487. "%@新增魅力" = "%@Increased charm points";
  488. "%@%@收入" = "%@%@Income";
  489. "开播时间%@" = "Live start time%@";
  490. "下线并禁播" = "offline and banned";
  491. "关入小黑屋" = "Block the user";
  492. "您因%@被禁播" = "The live is banned because of %@";
  493. "直播间已被禁播" = "The live room has been banned";
  494. "是否将该用户关入小黑屋?" = "Are you sure to block the user?";
  495. "是否将该用户移出小黑屋?" = "Are you sure to unblock?";
  496. "已将该用户关入小黑屋" = "The user has been blocked";
  497. "已将该用户移出小黑屋" = "The user has been unblocked";
  498. "是否将该用户解除禁言?" = "Are you sure to unmute the user ?";
  499. "已将该用户解除禁言" = "The user has been unmuted";
  500. "是否将该用户添加为房管?" = "Confirm to add the user as Room Admin?";
  501. "小黑屋" = "Block";
  502. "已被认命为房管" = "Has been designated as room admin";
  503. "已被取消房管" = "You have been removed from room admin";
  504. "分享了直播间" = "You have shared the live room";
  505. "关注了主播" = "You have followed the streamer";
  506. "加入了粉丝团" = "Join fans group";
  507. "您已被禁言了" = "You have been muted";
  508. "您已被关入小黑屋" = "You have been blocked";
  509. "被关入小黑屋了" = "has been blocked";
  510. "被禁言了" = "Muted";
  511. "禁言用户" = "Muted user";
  512. "靓 %@" = "Vanity %@";
  513. "立即认证" = "Get verified now";
  514. "为了你的账户安全\n 请通过实名认证绑定账户" = "For the safety of your account\n Please verify with your real name";
  515. "上传手持身份证照片证明合影" = "Upload a photo of you holding the id card";
  516. "手持身份证照片证明合影" = "Photo of you holding the id card";
  517. "上传身份证证明" = "Upload ID Verification";
  518. "身份证证明" = "ID Verification";
  519. "手持身份证正面照" = "Photo of you holding the id card on its front side";
  520. "身份证证明" = "ID Verification";
  521. "身份证正面照片" = "ID card’s front side photo";
  522. "身份证反面照片" = "ID card’s back side photo";
  523. "身份证正面" = "Front side of ID card";
  524. "身份证反面" = "Back side of ID card";
  525. "重新认证" = "Redo verification";
  526. "主播实名信息设置后不能修改,如有疑问请联系客服" = "The real-name information of the streamer can not be modified once set. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service";
  527. "审核中..." = "Pending for approval...";
  528. "申请中..." = "Applying...";
  529. "认证成功" = "Verified";
  530. "认证失败" = "Failed";
  531. "立即签约" = "Sign now";
  532. "创建粉丝团" = "Create Fans Group";
  533. "签约公会" = "Sign for MCN";
  534. "请填写申请理由" = "Please enter application reason";
  535. "申请理由" = "Application reason";
  536. "确认提交" = "Confirm to submit";
  537. "申请成功" = "Application complete";
  538. "您已成为该公会成员" = "You have been a member of this MCN";
  539. "公会ID:%@" = "MCN ID: %@";
  540. "重新申请" = "Apply again";
  541. "佣金余额" = "Commission balance";
  542. "立即提现" = "Withdraw now";
  543. "如有任何问题请联系客服" = "Please contact customer service if you have any questions";
  544. "交易明细" = "Transaction details";
  545. "佣金兑换金币" = "Use commission to exchange for gold coins";
  546. "我的银行卡" = " My bank card";
  547. "立即关注" = "Follow Now";
  548. "支付宝账户" = "Alipay Account";
  549. "请先绑定支付宝账户" = "Please connect with your Alipay account first";
  550. "支付宝账户/手机号码" = "Alipay account/phone number";
  551. "支付宝账户绑定说明:" = "Alipay account connection instructions:";
  552. "绑定的支付宝账户身份证信息请与您认证主播的身份证信息保持一致,否则将无法转出!" = "The ID information of the linked Alipay account must be consistent with the ID information of your certified streamer identity, otherwise the transfer will fail!";
  553. "立即绑定" = "Connect now";
  554. "我已知晓上述说明" = "I acknowledge that I have read the above instruction";
  555. "解除绑定" = "Disconnect";
  556. "每月仅限解除1次绑定关系" = "You can only disconnect once a month";
  557. "本次付宝账户身份证信息请与您认证主播的身份证信息保持一致,否则将无法转出!" = "The ID information of the linked Alipay account must be consistent with the ID information of your certified streamer identity, otherwise the transfer will fail!";
  558. "立即绑定" = "Connect now";
  559. "我已知晓上述说明" = "I acknowledge that I have read the above instruction";
  560. "解除绑定" = "Disconnect";
  561. "每月仅限解除1次绑定关系" = "You can only disconnect once a month";
  562. "本次\344修改昵称需要花费1张改名卡,剩余%@张" = "Requires 1 name change card,there are %@ remaining";
  563. "修改昵称规则:\n\n1.昵称长度建议在6-8个字为佳。\n\n2.昵称只允许输入中英文、数字及符号\"-\"、\" \"、\"【\"、\"】\"。\n\n3.昵称修改成功后,若经人工审核违规将被重置,且涉及费用不 予退还。" = "Username change instructions: \n\n1. The length should better be 6-8 characters. \n\n2.Username can only contain Chinese and English charaters, numbers and symbols \"-\"、\" \"、\"【\"、\"】\".";
  564. "立即绑定" = "Connect now";
  565. "我已知晓上述说明" = "I acknowledge that I have read the above instruction";
  566. "解除绑定" = "Disconnect";
  567. "每月仅限解除1次绑定关系" = "You can only disconnect once a month";
  568. "本次\344修改昵称需要花费1张改名卡,剩余%@张" = "Nickname changed to:requires 1 name change card,there are %@ remaining";
  569. "我的签名是晴宝宝送的" = "No signature";
  570. "活动规则" = "Activity Rules";
  571. "加个好友呗" = "Let’s make friends";
  572. "在线客服" = "Online customer service";
  573. "QQ客服" = "QQ customer service";
  574. "微信公众号" = "WeChat Official Account";
  575. "帮助中心" = "Help Center";
  576. "意见反馈" = "Feedbacks";
  577. "意见反馈类型" = "Feedbacks Category";
  578. "选择类型" = "Choose Category";
  579. "意见反馈描述" = "Feedback Description";
  580. "请填写10个字以上的描述,以便我们提供更好的帮助" = "Please fill in a description of more than 10 words so that we can better help";
  581. "图片(选填,最多4张,只支持单张上传)" = "Photos(optional,at most 4)";
  582. "联系电话(选填)" = "Contact number(optional)";
  583. "便于我们与您联系" = "So that we can contact you";
  584. "返回" = "Back";
  585. "知道了" = "Yes";
  586. "提示" = "Notice";
  587. "永久" = "Permanent";
  588. "提交" = "Submit";
  589. "提交申请" = "Submit application";
  590. "已申请" = "Application has been submitted";
  591. "官方热门" = "Official trending";
  592. "说点什么吧~" = "Say something";
  593. "选择分类:" = "Choose category:";
  594. "欢迎来到我的直播间" = "Welcome to my live room";
  595. "开始直播" = "Start streaming";
  596. "直播数据" = "Live data";
  597. "我的房管" = "My room admin";
  598. "粉丝团" = "Fans Group";
  599. "签约公会" = "My MCN";
  600. "我的认证" = "My verification";
  601. "id:%@" = "id:%@";
  602. "ID号" = "ID";
  603. "金币" = "Gold Coin";
  604. "星元" = "Token";
  605. "星钻" = "Gems";
  606. "星币" = "Coins";
  607. "确认充值" = "Confirm to top up";
  608. "收支明细" = "Income and expenses details";
  609. "粉丝贡献榜" = "Fans contribution ranking";
  610. "的热爱榜" = "Fans contribution ranking";
  611. "未上榜" = "--";
  612. "个人信息" = "Personal info";
  613. "其他信息" = "Other info";
  614. "所属公会" = "MCN";
  615. "昵称:%@ID:%@所属公会:%@性别:%@年龄:%@城市:%@签名:%@" = "Nickname:%@ID:%@Subordinate to the guild:%@Sex:%@Age:%@City:%@The signature:%@";
  616. "颜值封面" = "Profile cover";
  617. "房间号" = "Room no";
  618. "房间号:%@" = "Room no:%@";
  619. "更改封面" = "Change cover";
  620. "颜值封面已上传成功" = "Your profile cover has been uploaded";
  621. "虚位以待" = "Vacant";
  622. "转出数量" = "Withdrawal amount";
  623. "转出记录" = "Withdrawal records";
  624. "账户%@数量:%@" = "Account:%@ Balance:%@";
  625. "全部转出" = "Withdraw all";
  626. "申请转出" = "Apply for withdrawal";
  627. "申请转出星币数量:%@" = "Applied withdrawal amount: %@";
  628. "转出申请已提交" = "Withdrawal application has been submitted";
  629. "星币数量" = "Coins Balance: ";
  630. "介绍" = "Introduction";
  631. "我的魅力值" = "My charm points";
  632. "我的富豪值" = "My wealth points";
  633. "近30天收礼" = "The gifts I received in last 30 days";
  634. "近30天送礼" = "The gifts I sent in last 30 days";
  635. "礼物数量不足" = "Gifts insufficient";
  636. "成为会员" = "Activate VIP";
  637. "成为超级VIP" = "Activate SVIP";
  638. "每天领取免费聊天时长" = "Get free chat time every day";
  639. "青铜会员" = "Bronze";
  640. "白银会员" = "Silver";
  641. "黄金会员" = "Gold";
  642. "%@喜讯:" = "%@Good News:";
  643. "立即邀请" = "Invite";
  644. "认输" = "Admit defeat";
  645. "结束" = "Finish";
  646. "对方已拒绝,换个主播PK试试~" = "Invitation rejected, PK with another streamer";
  647. "PK中" = "Busy";
  648. "空闲" = "Available";
  649. "离线" = "Offline";
  650. "主播邀请你进行PK竞技…" = "is inviting you for PK…";
  651. "等待同意…" = "Waiting…";
  652. "对方无应答,换个主播PK试试~" = "No response, PK with another streamer";
  653. "对方已取消,换个主播PK试试~" = "Canceled by the other party, try another streamer";
  654. "Pk惩罚" = "PK penalty";
  655. "我方" = "Us";
  656. "对方" = "Rival";
  657. "确定要去TA的直播间吗?" = "Confirm to go to his live room?";
  658. "分享给小伙伴,帮主播加油" = "Share with your friends";
  659. "微信好友" = "WeChat";
  660. "朋友圈" = "Moments";
  661. "微博" = "Weibo";
  662. "QQ好友" = "QQ friends";
  663. "复制链接" = "Copy link";
  664. "分享成功" = "Shared successfully";
  665. "分享失败" = "Share failed";
  666. "分享取消" = "Share canceled";
  667. "设置独特的身份" = "Set a unique identity";
  668. "让大家更好的认识你" = "Let everyone know you better";
  669. "取个酷炫的昵称吧~" = "Pick a cool nickname~~";
  670. "%@,可以用来购买虚拟礼物等本平台上的产品或服务。" = "%@, can be used to buy virtual gifts and other products or services on the platform.";
  671. "%@:每充值100%@可获得1%@,可用来兑换【贵族】或在【%@商城】中兑换您喜欢的其他商品。" = "%@ : you can get 1%@ for each recharge, which can be used to exchange for \"live broadcast noble\" or for other goods you like in \"%@ mall\".";
  672. "请你务必审慎阅读,充分理解\"用户协议\"和\"隐私协议\"各条款,包括但不限于:为了向你提供即时通讯、内容分享等服务,我们需要收集你的值100星钻可获得1星元,可用来兑换【贵族】或在【商城】中兑换您喜欢的其他商品。" = "Star dollar: you can get 1 star dollar for every 100 star diamond recharge, which can be used to exchange for \"live broadcast noble\" or for other commodities you like in \"star dollar mall\".";
  673. "请你务必审慎阅读,充分理解\"用户协议\"和\"隐私协议\"各条款,包括但不限于:为了向你提供即时通讯、内容分享等服务,我们需要收集你的\350设备信息、操作日志等个人信息。你可以在\"设置\"中查看、变更、删除个人信息并管理你的授权。你可阅读《用户协议》和《隐私协议》了解详细信息。如你同意,请点击\"同意\"开始接受我们的服务。" = "Please read this carefully and fully understand the terms of the \"User Agreement\" and \"Privacy Policy\", including but not limited to: in order to provide you with instant messaging, content sharing and other services, we need to collect your device information, operation logs and other personal information . You can view, change, delete personal information and manage your authorization in \"Settings\". You can read the User Agreement and Privacy Policy for more information. If you agree with the terms, please click \"Agree\" to accept our services.";
  674. "账号异常,请联系客服" = "Account abnormal activity, please contact customer service";
  675. "是否删除该房管?" = "Are you sure to delete the room admin?";
  676. "已复制至剪切板" = "Copied";
  677. "意见反馈已提交" = "Feedback has been submitted";
  678. "每日凌晨3点更新" = "Updated 3am daily";
  679. "每月仅限解除1次绑定关系" = "You are only allowed to disconnect once a month";
  680. "您将要解除绑定支付宝账号" = "You are about to disconnect Alipay account";
  681. "确定要清除缓存吗" = "Confirm to clean the cache?";
  682. "- 更多活动,敬请期待 -" = "- Stay tuned for more activities";
  683. "道具使用成功" = "Props applied";
  684. "使用成功" = "applied";
  685. "请输入禁播理由" = "Please enter reasons";
  686. "再按一次,就将退出" = "Tap again to exit";
  687. "" = "";
  688. "直播" = "Live";
  689. "视频聊" = "Live Chat";
  690. "消息" = "Messages";
  691. "我的" = "My";
  692. "请输入搜索内容" = "Please enter";
  693. "我的足迹" = "My visiting history";
  694. "热门直播" = "Live on trend";
  695. "%@粉丝" = "%@Followers";
  696. "%@热度" = "%@Heat";
  697. "%@魅力值" = "%@Charm points";
  698. "%@关注" = "%@Following";
  699. "%@富豪值" = "%@Wealth points";
  700. "%@订阅" = "%@Subscriptors";
  701. "%@礼物" = "%@Gifts";
  702. "%@佣金" = "%@Commision";
  703. "死鬼~登录后才能看哟~" = "You can only see when logged in~";
  704. "您还没有关注记录~" = "There is no following records yet~";
  705. "暂无明细" = "There’s no details so far";
  706. "登录订阅主播、开播当万人迷" = "Login to subscribe to streamer to start your live streaming";
  707. "背包空空~心脏痛痛~" = "Your wallet is empty~";
  708. "空空如也~" = "Nothing’s found here~";
  709. "暂无数据~" = "No data found~";
  710. "小讨厌~找到我关注我~" = "Find me and follow me~";
  711. "哎呀~还没有粉丝,快去号召粉丝大军吧~" = "You do not have any followers yet. Time to get some followers";
  712. "你还没有粉丝团权限,快去签约吧~" = "You do not have permission to Fans Group,Don’t hesitate to sign~";
  713. "竟然没有关注,是不喜欢人家了嘛~" = "What? You have not followed?";
  714. "还没有小可爱到访,邀请别人来家里玩吧~" = "You don’t have visitors so far. \n Invite some to your live room.";
  715. "竟然一个脚印都没有~ \n快去穿鞋~" = "No footprint found.";
  716. "还没有人开播,要不你试试~" = "No one is streaming yet, you can have a try~";
  717. "还没有人开播~" = "No one is streaming yet~";
  718. "相关内容技术哥哥吃了~" = "Related infomation not available now";
  719. "还没有人上榜哦~" = "There’s no one on the list yet~";
  720. "暂无收益~" = "There’s no revenues so far~";
  721. "你还没有房管哦~" = "You don’t have a room administrator yet~";
  722. "您的账号被异地登录,是否重新登录!" = "Your account has been logged in at another address. Want to log in again?";
  723. "您的账号信息已过期,是否重新登录!" = "Your account information has expired, want to log in again?";
  724. "背包" = "Backpack";
  725. "幸运礼物" = "Lucky gift";
  726. "热门礼物" = "Trending gift";
  727. "奢华" = "Luxury";
  728. "贴纸" = "Sticker";
  729. "经典" = "Classic";
  730. "活动" = "Activity";
  731. "您获得的奖励礼物,送出后主播一样获得收益" = "The stream earns the same for the gift you get as a reward";
  732. "幸运礼物可能中大奖,普通礼物增加魅力值" = "Lucky gifts may include big prizes. Ordinary gifts can help increase charm";
  733. "主播增加魅力,礼物有特效,礼炫情谊重" = "Special gifting effects. Streamer’ charm points is rising.";
  734. "主播增加魅力,全区公告,爱要宣告全世界!" = "Streamer’ charm points is rising!";
  735. "每个贴纸礼物时长1分钟(主播增加互动值)" = "Each sticker gift lasts for 1 minute in length";
  736. "自定义" = "Custom";
  737. "续费贵族 " = "Renewal noble ";
  738. "日榜" = "Day";
  739. "周榜" = "Week";
  740. "月榜" = "Month";
  741. "总榜" = "Overall";
  742. "贵族席位" = "Noble seats";
  743. "在线用户" = "Online";
  744. "粉丝团" = "Fans community";
  745. "礼物" = "Gifts";
  746. "道具" = "Props";
  747. "坐骑" = "Mount";
  748. "勋章" = "Medals";
  749. "头饰" = "Tire";
  750. "系统消息" = "System message";
  751. "客服消息" = "Customer service message";
  752. "好友通知" = "Friend Notice";
  753. "资料" = "Information";
  754. "直播视频" = "Live Video";
  755. "相册" = "Album";
  756. "动态" = "Story";
  757. "我要充值" = "Top up";
  758. "我的背包" = "My Bag";
  759. "我的芝麻" = "My Zhi Ma";
  760. "我的访客" = "Visitors";
  761. "任务中心" = "Task Center";
  762. "商城" = "Token Store";
  763. "我的钱包" = "My wallet";
  764. "时间钱包" = "Time wallet";
  765. "超级靓号" = "Vanity No.";
  766. "会员中心" = "VIP Center";
  767. "贵族" = "Noble";
  768. "我的等级" = "My level";
  769. "特权设置" = "Privilege setting";
  770. "主播中心" = "Streamer Center";
  771. "帮助与意见反馈" = "Help & Feedback";
  772. "设置" = "Settings";
  773. "清除缓存" = "Clean Cache";
  774. "黑名单" = "Blacklist";
  775. "隐藏榜单" = "Hide rankings";
  776. "匿名送礼" = "Send gifts anonymously";
  777. "隐藏关注" = "Hide followings";
  778. "关于星芽" = "About YAYA";
  779. "用户协议&免责声明" = "User Agreement & Disclaimer";
  780. "退出登录" = "Logout";
  781. "最新版本:%@新版本大小:%@更新内容:%@" = "The latest version:%@ new version size:%@ update content:%@";
  782. "新版本检测" = "New version detection";
  783. "账户" = "Account";
  784. "请告诉我们你想举报该内容的理由" = "Please tell us why you want to report this content";
  785. "文字描述(选填,不超过200字)" = "Text description (optional, no more than 200 words)";
  786. "请填写10个字以上的描述,以便我们提供更好的帮助" = "Please fill in a description of more than 10 words so that we can provide better help";
  787. "图片证据(选填,最多6张)" = "Photo evidence (optional, up to 6)";
  788. "举报成功" = "Report successfully";
  789. "贵族特权" = "Noble privileges";
  790. "贵族勋章" = "Noble medal";
  791. "成为贵族,尊享不凡" = "Become a noble";
  792. "开通贵族" = "Activate";
  793. "开通会员" = "Activate VIP";
  794. "立即开通" = "Activate Now";
  795. "从手机相册选择" = "Choose from Album";
  796. "拍照" = "Take picture";
  797. "支付成功" = "Successful payment";
  798. "支付失败" = "Payment unsuccessful";
  799. "支付取消" = "Payment canceled";
  800. "¥" = "¥";
  801. "今日" = "Today";
  802. "昨日" = "Yesterday";
  803. "贡献" = "Contribution";
  804. "拉黑" = "Blacklist";
  805. "取消" = "Cancel";
  806. "确认" = "Confirm";
  807. "同意" = "Agree";
  808. "拒绝" = "Decline";
  809. "已同意" = "Agreed";
  810. "已拒绝" = "Declined";
  811. "编辑" = "Edit";
  812. "管理" = "Manage";
  813. "举报" = "Report";
  814. "禁言" = "Mute";
  815. "+关注" = "+Follow";
  816. "@TA" = "\@streamer";
  817. "保密" = "Secret";
  818. "主页" = "Home Page";
  819. "小哥哥" = "Male";
  820. "小姐姐" = "Female";
  821. "男" = "Male";
  822. "女" = "Female";
  823. "跳过" = "Skip";
  824. "岁" = "Years old";
  825. "关注" = "Follow";
  826. "已关注" = "Following";
  827. "直播中" = "Streaming";
  828. "粉丝" = "Followers";
  829. "好友" = "Friends";
  830. "推荐" = "Hot";
  831. "附近" = "Nearby";
  832. "新人" = "New comers";
  833. "颜值" = "Face";
  834. "热舞" = "Dance";
  835. "好声音" = "Sing";
  836. "明细" = "Details";
  837. "说明" = "Instruction";
  838. "充值" = "Top up";
  839. "马上充值" = "Top up now";
  840. "收入" = "Income";
  841. "转出" = "Withdraw";
  842. "兑换" = "Exchange";
  843. "支出" = "Expenses";
  844. "充值记录" = "Top up record";
  845. "充值成功" = "Top up complete";
  846. "充值失败" = "Top up failed";
  847. "充值取消" = "Top up canceled";
  848. "赠送" = "Sent";
  849. "私信" = "Message";
  850. "加好友" = "Add friends";
  851. "已添加" = "Added";
  852. "头像" = "Profile photo";
  853. "昵称" = "Nickname";
  854. "性别" = "Gender";
  855. "年龄" = "Age";
  856. "城市" = "City";
  857. "签名" = "Signature";
  858. "星座" = "Constellation";
  859. "收入" = "Income";
  860. "体重" = "Weight";
  861. "身高" = "Height";
  862. "交友目的" = "Social Purpose";
  863. "情感状况" = "Relationship status";
  864. "兴趣爱好" = "Hobbies";
  865. "个性标签" = "Personality Tags";
  866. "绑定手机" = "Connect with your phone";
  867. "认证" = "Verify";
  868. "完成" = "Complete";
  869. "连击" = "Hits";
  870. "使用" = "Use";
  871. "未绑定" = "Unconnected";
  872. "已绑定" = "Connected";
  873. "尊贵标识" = "Noble identity";
  874. "专属靓号" = "Exclusive Vanity No.";
  875. "爵位体验" = "Noble experience";
  876. "高级筛选" = "Advanced filter";
  877. "免费私信" = "Free direct messages";
  878. "定位漫游" = "Location roaming";
  879. "仅展示近30天收到的付费礼物" = "Only show paid gifts received in the last 30 days";
  880. "请输入昵称" = "Please enter nickname";
  881. "上传颜值封面" = "Upload profile cover";
  882. "添加封面图片" = "Add live cover";
  883. "请上传本人高清美图露脸无遮挡,保持人脸居中最小尺寸750*750" = "Please upload high-res picture of yourself and keep your face in the middle with a minimum size of 750*750";
  884. "你免费私信" = "Free direct messages";
  885. "定位漫游" = "Location roaming";
  886. "仅展示近30天收到的付费礼物" = "Only show paid gifts received in the last 30 days";
  887. "请输入昵称" = "Please enter nickname";
  888. "上传颜值封面" = "Upload profile cover";
  889. "添加封面图片" = "Add live cover";
  890. "你还没有房管哦~" = "You don’t have room admin yet.";
  891. "添加房管成功" = "Room admin added successfully";
  892. "房管已取消" = "Room admin removed";
  893. "你还没有粉丝团权限,快去签约吧~" = "You do not have fan group permission, go sign now~";
  894. "请输入粉丝团名称" = "Please enter a fan community name";
  895. "粉丝铭牌" = "Fans tag";
  896. "粉丝团特权" = "Fans community privileges";
  897. "守护特权" = "Guardian privileges";
  898. "守护标识" = "Guardian identity";
  899. "醒目聊天" = "Guardian chat";
  900. "争夺守护" = "Compete for Guardian";
  901. "购买守护" = "Purchase Guardian";
  902. "续费守护" = "Renew Guardian";
  903. "守护规则" = "Guardian rules";
  904. "剩余%@" = "Remaining %@";
  905. "加入粉丝团" = "Join fans group";
  906. "入场提醒" = "Entrance Effect";
  907. "请输入公会ID" = "Please enter MCN ID";
  908. "签约主播:%ld" = "Signed streamer:%ld";
  909. "申请理由如下:" = "The reasons for application are as follows:";
  910. "驳回理由如下:" = "The reasons for rejection are as follows:";
  911. "您可以隐藏关注列表" = "You can hide the followering list";
  912. "该功能支队侯爵及以上用户开放,立即获得勋章" = "This feature is only open to users of Marquis medal and above, upgrade now";
  913. "%@不足,是否需要充值?" = "%@insufficient,want to top up?";
  914. "请先关闭贴纸" = "Please close sticker first";
  915. "美颜" = "BeautyCam";
  916. "滤镜" = "Filter";
  917. "美妆" = "Makeup";
  918. "美形" = "Face reshape";
  919. "美体" = "Body reshape";
  920. "贴纸" = "Stickers";
  921. "正常" = "Normal";
  922. "柔白" = "Soft white";
  923. "奶油" = "Creamy";
  924. "氧气" = "Oxygen";
  925. "桔梗" = "Bellflower";
  926. "洛丽塔" = "Lolita";
  927. " 蜜桃" = " Peach";
  928. "马卡龙" = "Macaron";
  929. "泡沫" = "Bubble";
  930. "樱花" = "Sakura";
  931. "浅暖" = "Light warm";
  932. "物语" = "Story";
  933. "北海道" = "Hokkaido";
  934. "日杂" = "Japan magazine";
  935. "西雅图" = "Seattle";
  936. "静谧" = "Silence";
  937. "胶片" = "Film";
  938. "暖阳" = "Warm sun";
  939. "旧日" = "Old days";
  940. "红唇" = "Red lip";
  941. "橘蓝调" = "Orange blue";
  942. "褪色" = "Faded";
  943. "黑白" = "Black white";
  944. "欢乐兔耳朵腮红" = "Rabbit ear with blush";
  945. "梦幻笨笨属" = "Cute Mouse";
  946. "兔姐爱吃萝卜" = "Rabbit carrot";
  947. "招财猫" = "Lucky cat";
  948. "猪头猪耳" = "Pig hairdresser";
  949. "羽毛" = "Feather";
  950. "洗月" = "Moon";
  951. "眨眼触发魔法阵" = "Blink eye to activate magic circle";
  952. "魔界妆" = "Magical makeup";
  953. "神龙" = "Deity dragon";
  954. "花仙子" = "Flower goddess";
  955. "眨眼试试" = "Try blink your eye";
  956. "彩小猫" = "Colorful cat";
  957. "眨眼试试" = "Try blink your eye";
  958. "小恶魔" = "Little devil";
  959. "生日快乐" = "Happy birthday";
  960. "张嘴试试" = "Try open your mouth";
  961. "毛毛" = "Momo";
  962. "武媚娘" = "Mei Niang";
  963. "邀请小伙伴一起玩" = "Invite your friends to play";
  964. "流星" = "Meteor";
  965. "点头试试" = "Nod your head";
  966. "樱花妆" = "Sakura makeup";
  967. "兔姐" = "Rabbit Sis";
  968. "蝶恋金" = "Gold butterfly";
  969. "比心加眨眼试试吧~" = "Try make a heart shape and blink your eyes~";
  970. "蝶恋粉" = "Pink butterfly";
  971. "比心加眨眼试试吧~" = "Try make a heart shape and blink your eyes~";
  972. "花海" = "Flower sea";
  973. "眨眼试试" = "Try blink your eye";
  974. "麋鹿妆" = "Elk makeup";
  975. "夜空烟火" = "Midnight fireworks";
  976. "点头试试" = "Nod your head";
  977. "海王" = "Neptune";
  978. "点头试试" = "Nod your head";
  979. "贪吃猪" = "Foodie Pig";
  980. "张嘴试试~" = "Try open your mouth~";
  981. "发射心星" = "Launch heart star";
  982. "眨眼试试~" = "Launch heart star~";
  983. "麋鹿头饰" = "Elk headdress";
  984. "逆神面具" = "God mask";
  985. "扯脸猫" = "Face pulling cat";
  986. "吹泡泡" = "Blow bubble";
  987. "萌萌小鹿" = "Cute deer";
  988. "眨眼试试" = "Try blink your eye";
  989. "对我哈气" = "Breathe out towards me";
  990. "对手机哈气" = "Breathe out towards phone";
  991. "吐爱心" = "Breath love";
  992. "张嘴试试" = "Try open your mouth";
  993. "小黄狗" = "Little yellow dog";
  994. "我是谁" = "Who am I";
  995. "邀请其他小伙伴一起试试" = "Invite other friends to try";
  996. "女精灵" = "Female elf";
  997. "眨眼试试" = "Blink your eyes";
  998. "三只懒猫" = "Three lazy cats";
  999. "画心" = "Draw heart";
  1000. "颜值扫描" = "Scan for facial attractiveness value";
  1001. "邀请小伙伴一起比颜值" = "Invite friends to compete for facial attractiveness";
  1002. "贴纸妆" = "Sticker makeup";
  1003. "草莓妆" = "Strawberry makeup";
  1004. "心花怒放" = "Blooming";
  1005. "挑眉试试" = "Try raising your eyebrows";
  1006. "我的身高" = "My height";
  1007. "眨眼试试" = "Blink your eye";
  1008. "皮卡丘" = "Pikachu";
  1009. "张手试试" = "Open your hands";
  1010. "胖脸测试" = "Fat face tests";
  1011. "邀请其他小伙伴一起试试" = "Invite other friends to try";
  1012. "皮卡丘" = "Pikachu";
  1013. "眨眼试试~" = "Blink your eye~";
  1014. "比心兔" = "Heart Rabbit";
  1015. "飞吻试试~" = "Try air kiss~";
  1016. "小花花" = "Little flower";
  1017. "眨眼试试" = "Blink your eye";
  1018. "冷兔baby" = "Cold rabbit";
  1019. "眨眼试试,有惊喜哦" = "Blink and try. There's a surprise";
  1020. "呀" = "Oops";
  1021. "眼睛里" = "In the eye";
  1022. "眨眼试试" = "Blink your eye";
  1023. "控雨" = "Rain";
  1024. "变脸" = "Change face";
  1025. "甩动头部开始变脸~" = "Shake your head to change your face~~";
  1026. "京剧武旦" = "WuDan";
  1027. "青衣" = "QingYi";
  1028. "花脸" = "HuaLian";
  1029. "丑角色" = "Chou";
  1030. "老生" = "LaoSheng";
  1031. "线条人" = "Line string";
  1032. "生日快乐" = "Happy birthday";
  1033. "萌萌哒喵喵" = "Cute Meow";
  1034. "开心喵" = "Happy Meow";
  1035. "极简兔耳" = "Minimalist Rabbit ear";
  1036. "关闭" = "Close";
  1037. "磨皮" = "Buffing";
  1038. "美白" = "Whitening";
  1039. "锐化" = "Sharp";
  1040. "瘦脸" = "Reshape face";
  1041. "小脸" = "Small face";
  1042. "窄脸" = "Narrow face";
  1043. "瘦颧骨" = "Cheek";
  1044. "下颌骨" = "Jaw";
  1045. "大眼" = "Big eyes";
  1046. "瘦鼻" = "Small nose";
  1047. "长鼻" = "Long nose";
  1048. "下巴" = "Chin";
  1049. "额头" = "Forehead";
  1050. "眼角度" = "Eye shape";
  1051. "嘴型" = "Mouth shape";
  1052. "微笑" = "Smile";
  1053. "法令纹" = "Decree";
  1054. "黑眼圈" = "Dark Circle";
  1055. "瘦身" = "Reshape body";
  1056. "长腿" = "Long legs";
  1057. "口红" = "Lipsticks";
  1058. "腮红" = "Blush";
  1059. "睫毛" = "Eye lashes";
  1060. "美瞳" = "Eye color";
  1061. "染发" = "Hair dye";
  1062. "眼影" = "Eye shadow";
  1063. "眉毛" = "Eyebrow";
  1064. "修容" = "Concealer";
  1065. "胡萝卜红" = "Carrot red";
  1066. "活力橘" = "Lively orange";
  1067. "罂粟红" = "Poppy red";
  1068. "复古红" = "Retro red";
  1069. "少女粉" = "Girly pink";
  1070. "元气橘" = "Genki orange";
  1071. "西柚色" = "Grapefruit";
  1072. "西瓜红" = "Watermelon";
  1073. "丝绒红" = "Velvet red";
  1074. "脏橘色" = "Dirty orange";
  1075. "梅子色" = "Plum";
  1076. "珊瑚色" = "Coral";
  1077. "豆沙粉" = "Red bean";
  1078. "晒伤红" = "Burnt red";
  1079. "微醺" = "Tipsy";
  1080. "元气橘" = "Playful orange";
  1081. "蜜桃" = "Pink";
  1082. "甜橙" = "Sweet orange";
  1083. "俏皮" = "Playful";
  1084. "心机" = "Devious";
  1085. "晒伤" = "Burnt";
  1086. "日常" = "Daily";
  1087. "妩媚" = "Seducing";
  1088. "浓密" = "Thick";
  1089. "扇形" = "Fan shaped";
  1090. "芭比紫" = "Barbie purple";
  1091. "混血蓝" = "Mixed blue";
  1092. "混血绿" = "Mixed green";
  1093. "混血棕" = "Mixed brown";
  1094. "可可棕" = "Coco brown";
  1095. "蜜桃粉" = "Peachy pink";
  1096. "水光黑" = "Ink black";
  1097. "星空蓝" = "Star blue";
  1098. "初见灰" = "Grey";
  1099. "暗蓝" = "Dark blue";
  1100. "墨绿" = "Dark green";
  1101. "深棕" = "Dark brown";
  1102. "烟熏棕" = "Smoky brown";
  1103. "自然蓝" = "Natural blue";
  1104. "大地棕" = "Earth brown";
  1105. "晚霞红" = "Sunset red";
  1106. "少女粉" = "Girly pink";
  1107. "气质粉" = "Gentle pink";
  1108. "梅子红" = "Plum red";
  1109. "焦糖棕" = "Caramel brown";
  1110. "元气橘" = "Genki orange";
  1111. "奶茶色" = "Milk tea";
  1112. "纯黑" = "Pure black";
  1113. "淡灰" = "Light grey";
  1114. "自然黑" = "Natural black";
  1115. "BR01" = "BR01";
  1116. "BK02" = "BK02";
  1117. "BK03" = "BK03";
  1118. "BK01" = "BK01";
  1119. "修容01" = "Concealer 01";
  1120. "修容02" = "Concealer 02";
  1121. "修容03" = "Concealer 03";
  1122. "修容04" = "Concealer 04";
  1123. "重置" = "Reset";
  1124. "对比" = "Comparison";
  1125. "男孩" = "Boy";
  1126. "女孩" = "Girl";
  1127. "挂断" = "Hang off";
  1128. "接听" = "Answer";
  1129. "提交评价" = "Submit cpmments";
  1130. "最火主播" = "Hottest streamer";
  1131. "热门推荐" = "Popular";
  1132. "互动" = "interactive";
  1133. "消费" = "consumption";
  1134. "分钟" = "minutes";
  1135. "评价印象" = "Evaluation of impression";
  1136. "差评" = "Bad review";
  1137. "一般" = "general";
  1138. "比较满意" = "satisfied";
  1139. "满意" = "Satisfied with the";
  1140. "非常满意" = "Very satisfied with";
  1141. "请上传完整资料" = "Please upload the complete information";
  1142. "同意:" = "agree:";
  1143. "拒绝差评" = "Bad review";
  1144. "一般" = "general";
  1145. "比较满意" = "satisfied";
  1146. "满意" = "Satisfied with the";
  1147. "非常满意" = "Very satisfied with";
  1148. "请上传完整资料" = "Please upload the complete information";
  1149. "同意:" = "agree:";
  1150. "拒绝\357:" = "Refused to:";
  1151. "授权失败" = "Authorization failure";
  1152. "解绑支付宝功能暂未开通" = "The untying alipay function has not been opened yet";
  1153. "创建成功" = "Creating a successful";
  1154. "《用户协议》" = "\"User agreement\"";
  1155. "《隐差评" = "Bad review";
  1156. "一般" = "general";
  1157. "比较满意" = "satisfied";
  1158. "满意" = "Satisfied with the";
  1159. "非常满意" = "Very satisfied with";
  1160. "请上传完整资料" = "Please upload the complete information";
  1161. "同意:" = "agree:";
  1162. "拒绝\357:" = "Refused to:";
  1163. "授权失败" = "Authorization failure";
  1164. "解绑支付宝功能暂未开通" = "The untying alipay function has not been opened yet";
  1165. "《用户协议》" = "\"User agreement\"";
  1166. "《隐\347私协议》" = "\"Privacy agreement\"";
  1167. "用户协议和隐私协议" = "User agreement and privacy agreement";
  1168. "暂不使用" = "Not to use";
  1169. "服务异常,请检查网络是否正常 尝试重新打开应用!" = "Service is abnormal, please check whether the network is normal to try to reopen the application!";
  1170. "禁播" = "banned";
  1171. "邀请您进行视频聊天..." = "Invite you to video chat...";
  1172. "遇见" = "The man near";
  1173. "寻找心仪的TA" = "Find someone you like";
  1174. "兴趣爱好" = "Interests and hobbies";
  1175. "交友目的" = "Dating purpose";
  1176. "2000以下" = "2000 and below";
  1177. "2000-5000" = "2000-5000";
  1178. "5000-10000" = "5000-10000";
  1179. "10000-20000" = "10000-20000";
  1180. "20000以上" = "More than20000";
  1181. "30kg" = "30kg";
  1182. "35kg" = "35kg";
  1183. "40kg" = "40kg";
  1184. "45kg" = "45kg";
  1185. "50kg" = "50kg";
  1186. "55kg" = "55kg";
  1187. "60kg" = "60kg";
  1188. "65kg" = "65kg";
  1189. "70kg" = "70kg";
  1190. "75kg" = "75kg";
  1191. "80kg" = "80kg";
  1192. "85kg" = "85kg";
  1193. "90kg" = "90kg";
  1194. "95kg" = "95kg";
  1195. "100kg" = "100kg";
  1196. "140cm" = "140cm";
  1197. "145cm" = "145cm";
  1198. "150cm" = "150cm";
  1199. "155cm" = "155cm";
  1200. "160cm" = "160cm";
  1201. "165cm" = "165cm";
  1202. "170cm" = "170cm";
  1203. "175cm" = "175cm";
  1204. "180cm" = "180cm";
  1205. "185cm" = "185cm";
  1206. "190cm" = "190cm";
  1207. "195cm" = "195cm";
  1208. "200cm" = "200cm";
  1209. "赠送%@分钟每天再送%@分钟" = "Free %@ minutesDeliver another %@ minutes each day";
  1210. "单身" = "single";
  1211. "恋爱中" = "In love";
  1212. "已婚" = "married";
  1213. "剩余" = "The remaining";
  1214. "记录" = "record";
  1215. "缓存已清理" = "Cache cleared";
  1216. "确定退出吗?" = "Confirm to exit?";
  1217. "空闲" = "free";
  1218. "忙碌" = "busy";
  1219. "视频聊天(%@%@/分钟)" = "Video chat(%@%@/minutes)";
  1220. "您目前的余额不足" = "Your current balance is insufficient";
  1221. "充点小钱,激情一下(1元=100%@)" = "Top up ($1 =100 %@)";
  1222. "拉黑成功" = "Blocked";
  1223. "验证码已发送" = "The verification code has been sent";
  1224. "查看" = "To view";
  1225. "是否该保存图片?" = "Whether to save the picture?";
  1226. "图片已保存至:" = "The picture has been saved to:";
  1227. "图片保存失败" = "Picture saving failed";
  1228. "靓" = "The pretty";
  1229. "签名:" = "Signature:";
  1230. "<500m" = "<500m";
  1231. "个税" = "Income tax";
  1232. "元" = "Yuan";
  1233. "已通过" = "Have been through";
  1234. "已驳回" = "Has been rejected";
  1235. "待审核" = "To audit";
  1236. "启用中" = "To enable the";
  1237. "启用" = "start using";
  1238. "暂无" = "Empty";
  1239. "/分钟" = "/minutes";
  1240. "你有" = "Do you have";
  1241. "条未读消息" = "An unread message";
  1242. "是" = "yes";
  1243. "否" = "no";
  1244. "5分钟" = "5 minutes";
  1245. "1小时" = "1 hour";
  1246. "1天" = "1 day";
  1247. "3天" = "3 days";
  1248. "永久" = "permanent";
  1249. "本次直播已结束" = "This live is end";
  1250. "正在重连..." = "reconnecting...";
  1251. "靓号" = "Vanity No.";
  1252. "等级" = "level";
  1253. "贵族" = "Noble";
  1254. "申请加你为好友" = "Request to friend you";
  1255. "确定要删除该会话吗?" = "Are you sure you want to delete the chat?";
  1256. "佣金" = " commission";
  1257. "关注" = " Follow";
  1258. "F_关注" = "Follow";
  1259. "本次通话时长" = "Duration of this call";
  1260. "消费星钻" = "Consumer star";
  1261. "您对我是小可爱印象如何" = "What do you think of me as a cutie";
  1262. "这是你和我的秘密" = "It is your secret and mine";
  1263. "示例" = "The sample";
  1264. "正在等待对方接受邀请..." = "Waiting for the other party to accept the invitation...";
  1265. "稍等片刻,正在努力呼叫小姐姐" = "Wait a moment, trying to call the anchor sister";
  1266. "稍等片刻,正在努力呼叫小哥哥" = "Wait a moment, trying to call the anchor sister";
  1267. "交友" = "making friends";
  1268. "翻牌子" = "Turn over the brand";
  1269. "当前%ld位美女在线" = "Currently %ld beauty online";
  1270. "%@%@/分" = "%@%@/minute";
  1271. "视频选聊" = "Choose video chat";
  1272. "随时随地想连就连…" = "Whenever and wherever you want to connect…";
  1273. "选聊视频在线" = "Choose chat video online";
  1274. "换一批" = "In a batch";
  1275. "通话时间" = "Talk time";
  1276. "您的星钻即将用完 提醒TA充值吧" = "Please remind TA to recharge when your star drill is about to run out";
  1277. "立即充值" = "Prepaid phone immediately";
  1278. "近6个月星元(点)" = "Last 6 months star dollar (point)";
  1279. "月份" = "month";
  1280. "获得" = "obtain";
  1281. "消耗" = "consume";
  1282. "失效" = "lose efficacy";
  1283. "星元说明" = "Xing yuan instructions";
  1284. " 1、每消费1个星钻,星元+12、个人星元以近6个月为准,超过6个月的星元将失 效处理3、星元消费优先扣除即将失效的荣耀值" = " 1, each consumption of 1 star diamond, star +1 2, personal star for the last 6 months, more than 6 months of star will be lost effect treatment 3, star consumption priority to deduct the glory value of the upcoming expiry";
  1285. "查看虚拟币" = "View virtual currency";
  1286. "对方无应答" = "NO ANSWER";
  1287. "主播小姐姐正忙,换个试试吧" = "Anchor little sister is busy, try another";
  1288. "换一批" = "In a batch";
  1289. "看我这么久不如一起聊天吧" = "Look at me so long, why do not we talk";
  1290. "快下手,免得心仪的妹子被选走" = "Do it now, before the girl you want gets picked off";
  1291. "手持身份证照片证明合影" = "Hand id photo proof group photo";
  1292. " 来了" = " be coming";
  1293. "禁播时长:" = "Banned the length:";
  1294. "距离升级:" = "EXP required:";
  1295. "对方已拒绝邀请" = "The invitation has been declined";
  1296. "年卡会员" = "Year member";
  1297. "赠送30分钟每天再送2分钟" = "Free 30 minutes 2 minutes each day";
  1298. "到期时间:" = "expiration time:";
  1299. "请打开定位权限后重试" = "Please turn on location permission and try again";
  1300. "没有发现新版本" = "No new version was found";
  1301. "请授权相关权限后重试" = "Please try again after authorizing the relevant permissions";
  1302. "没有权限" = "Have no legal power";
  1303. "需要申请安装权限" = "You need to apply for installation permission";
  1304. "您还未安装微信" = "You have not installed WeChat";
  1305. "下载出错,请重试" = "Download error, please try again";
  1306. "正在下载,请勿重复点击" = "Downloading now, please do not click again";
  1307. "开始下载..." = "Start the download...";
  1308. "您已成功加入粉丝团" = "You have successfully joined the fan club";
  1309. "立即聊天" = "Chat immediately";
  1310. "高级筛选" = "Advanced screening";
  1311. "想看到的用户" = "The user you want to see";
  1312. "状态" = "state";
  1313. "城市" = "city";
  1314. "距离" = "distance";
  1315. "分类" = "classification";
  1316. "情感状态" = "Emotional state";
  1317. "交友目的" = "Dating purpose";
  1318. "个人标签" = "Individual labels";
  1319. "白羊座" = "Aries";
  1320. "金牛座" = "Taurus";
  1321. "双子座" = "Gemini";
  1322. "巨蟹座" = "Cancer";
  1323. "狮子座" = "Leo";
  1324. "处女座" = "Virgo";
  1325. "天秤座" = "Libra";
  1326. "天蝎座" = "Scorpio";
  1327. "射手座" = "Sagittarius";
  1328. "摩羯座" = "Capricorn";
  1329. "水瓶座" = "Aquarius";
  1330. "双鱼座" = "Pisces";
  1331. "不限" = "unlimited";
  1332. "全部" = "all";
  1333. "只看美女" = "Only to see all the babes";
  1334. "只看帅哥" = "Only see a handsome boy";
  1335. "此功能需要开通超级VIP" = "This function needs to open super VIP";
  1336. "成为超级VIP" = "Become a SVIP";
  1337. "请开通超级VIP\n体验更多特权吧!" = "Please open super VIP \n to experience more privileges!";
  1338. "评价成功" = "Evaluation of success";
  1339. "账号与安全" = "Account number and security";
  1340. "手机号" = "phone number";
  1341. "微信" = "WeChat";
  1342. "QQ" = "QQ";
  1343. "申请解约" = "Termination";
  1344. "公会" = "society";
  1345. "邀请PK" = "Invite PK";
  1346. "搜索" = "Search";
  1347. "PK竞技确定要认输吗?" = "Confirm to admit defeat?";
  1348. "确定要结束PK竞技吗?" = "Confirm to terminate PK?";
  1349. "结束PK" = "Terminate PK";
  1350. "退出直播" = "Exit Live";
  1351. "主播昵称/%@" = "Streamer nickname/%@";
  1352. "当前系统语言: %1$s" = ":sadsaasda %1$s";
  1353. "中文" = "中文";
  1354. "ENGLISH" = "ENGLISH";
  1355. "自动" = "auto";
  1356. "当前用户选择语言: %@" = "dsadasdada: %@";
  1357. "加载失败" = "Loading failed";
  1358. "加载完成" = "Loading complete";
  1359. "正在加载…" = "Refreshing……";
  1360. "没有更多数据了" = "No more data";
  1361. "上拉加载更多" = "Pull up to load more";
  1362. "等待头部刷新完成…" = "Wait for refreshing…";
  1363. "释放立即加载" = "Release to refresh";
  1364. "刷新失败" = "Refresh failed";
  1365. "刷新完成" = "Refresh complete";
  1366. "等待底部加载完成…" = "Wait for loading…";
  1367. "下拉可以刷新" = "Pull to refresh the page";
  1368. "正在刷新…" = "Refreshing…";
  1369. "释放立即刷新" = "Release to refresh the page";
  1370. "释放进入二楼" = "Release to enter level 2";
  1371. "上次更新 M-d HH:mm" = "Last update M-d HH:mm";
  1372. "不足请充值" = "Insufficient, please recharge";
  1373. "暂无直播" = "No live streaming";
  1374. "请先登录~" = "Please login first ~";
  1375. "这里什么也没有~" = "There is nothing here ~";
  1376. "当前网络差, 请检查网络设置~" = "The current network is poor, please check the network settings ~";
  1377. "请求超时了~" = "Request timed out ~";
  1378. "请求失败了~" = "The request failed ~";
  1379. "~ 持续更新中 ~" = "Continue to be updated";
  1380. /// 以下是安卓没有的
  1381. "版本更新" = "Version update";
  1382. "立即更新" = "Update now";
  1383. "稍后更新" = "Update later";
  1384. "下线通知" = "Logoff notification";
  1385. "重新登录" = "Log in again";
  1386. "一键登录" = "A key to log in";
  1387. "广告内容" = "Advertisements";
  1388. "搬运抄袭" = "Plagiarism";
  1389. "不友善内容" = "Unfriendly content";
  1390. "造谣、伪科学" = "Rumor and Pseudoscience";
  1391. "违法违规" = "Illegal content";
  1392. "虚假互动数据" = "Fake interaction data";
  1393. "举报理由" = "Report reason";
  1394. "举报成功,平台将会在24小时之内给出回复" = "If the report is successful, the platform will reply within 24 hours";
  1395. "暂无视频" = "No video";
  1396. "短视频" = "Short video";
  1397. "看看我家的农作物" = "Look at my family's crops";
  1398. "这是我家的大鹏,不知道怎么样" = "This is my family's big peng, I don't know how";
  1399. "我虽然不知道你在哪里,我却一直想念你" = "I don't know where you are, but I miss you all the time";
  1400. "大西瓜香又甜" = "The big melon is sweet and fragrant";
  1401. "等待同意…" = "Waiting…";
  1402. "已取消邀请" = "Cancelled invitation";
  1403. "加入成功" = "Joined";
  1404. "收礼人" = "Recipient";
  1405. "你对她很重要哦~" = "You mean a lot to her";
  1406. "神秘人" = "Anonimity";
  1407. "快加入粉丝团吧~" = "Join fan group";
  1408. "赠送数:" = "Gifts amount";
  1409. "取消选择" = "Deselect";
  1410. "等待中哦" = "Waiting";
  1411. "送给 " = "to ";
  1412. "经典礼物" = "Classic gift";
  1413. "活动礼物" = "Activities gift";
  1414. "背包礼物" = "Backpack gift";
  1415. "请先选择礼物" = "Please choose gift first";
  1416. "请在\"设置-隐私-麦克风\"选项中允许‘%@’访问你的麦克风" = "Please allow '%@' access to your microphone in the Settings - privacy - microphone option";
  1417. "想访问您的麦克风" = "I'd like to access your microphone";
  1418. "为神秘人" = "For the mystery man";
  1419. "禁播时间:" = "Banned time:";
  1420. "直播类型错误" = "Wrong category";
  1421. "对方取消邀请,换个主播PK试试~" = "The other side cancels the invitation, change host PK to try ~";
  1422. "已结束PK" = "Has finished PK";
  1423. "加入房间成功" = "Join the room successfully";
  1424. "重新加入房间成功" = "Rejoin the room successfully";
  1425. "前置摄像头无闪光灯" = "No front camera flash";
  1426. "请添加直播封面" = "Please add live cover";
  1427. "加载中..." = "Loading...";
  1428. "上传中..." = "Processing…";
  1429. "闪光灯已关" = "Flash off";
  1430. "麦克风已关" = "Microphone off";
  1431. "提交成功" = "Submitted successfully";
  1432. "请选择举报理由" = "Please select the reporting reason";
  1433. "请添加好友" = "Please add friends";
  1434. "已取消关注" = "unfollowed";
  1435. "个人主页" = "Personal home page";
  1436. "死鬼~登陆后才能看哟~" = "Login to view the content";
  1437. "宝宝偷懒了~" = "No messages";
  1438. "正在请求通话" = "Request for a call";
  1439. "暂无好友申请" = "No friend request at the moment";
  1440. "暂无好友" = "No friends";
  1441. "确认删除该好友吗?" = "Are you sure to delete the friend?";
  1442. "您已是侯爵及以上用户" = "You have upgraded to Marquis Medal and above";
  1443. "该功能只对侯爵及以上用户开放" = "This feature is only available to Marquis Medal and above";
  1444. "立即获得勋章>" = "Upgrade now";
  1445. "好友申请" = "Friend requests";
  1446. "您没有开启\"麦克风\"权限\n 无法进行通话。请在设置中开启麦克风权限。" = "You cannot make a call without \" microphone \n enabled. Please enable microphone in Settings.";
  1447. "您没有开启\"摄像头\"权限\n 无法进行视频。请在设置中开启摄像头权限。" = "You cannot take video without \" camera \" enabled \n. Please enable camera in Settings.";
  1448. "去设置" = "To set up";
  1449. "3公里内" = "Within 3 km";
  1450. "5公里内" = "Within 5 km";
  1451. "10公里内" = "Within 10 km";
  1452. "20公里内" = "Within 20 km";
  1453. "50公里内" = "Within 50 km";
  1454. "100公里内" = "Within 100 km";
  1455. "暂无视频主播" = "No video call streamer";
  1456. "暂无空闲主播" = "No available streamer";
  1457. "正在准备中…" = "Preparing...";
  1458. "性别不限" = "Gender not limited";
  1459. "萌新" = "New";
  1460. "只看男" = "Only male";
  1461. "只看女" = "Only female";
  1462. "职场" = "Workplace";
  1463. "萝莉" = "Girl";
  1464. "少妇" = "Young woman";
  1465. "学生" = "Students";
  1466. "美女在线" = "Beauty of online";
  1467. "请选择星级评价" = "Please select a star rating";
  1468. "关注成功" = "Focus on success";
  1469. "很差" = "Is very poor";
  1470. "不太满意" = "Not satisfied with";
  1471. "一般般" = "So-so";
  1472. "满意" = "Satisfied with the";
  1473. "余额不足" = "Lack of balance";
  1474. "视频呼叫超时" = "Video call timeout";
  1475. "礼物加载中..." = "The gift is loading...";
  1476. "继续充值" = "Continue to prepaid phone";
  1477. "确定要退出聊天吗?" = "Are you sure you to quit the chat?";
  1478. "请稍等..." = "Please wait a moment...";
  1479. "对方已关闭麦克风" = "The other party has turned off the microphone";
  1480. "对方已打开麦克风" = "The other party has turned on the microphone";
  1481. "对方已关闭摄像头" = "The other party has turned off the camera";
  1482. "对方已打开摄像头" = "The other party has turned on the camera";
  1483. "TA的%@即将用完" = "TA %@ is running out";
  1484. "您的%@即将用完" = "Your %@ is running out";
  1485. "请选择反馈类型" = "Please select the category of feedback";
  1486. "请填写反馈内容" = "Please fill in the feedback";
  1487. "已上传" = "uploaded";
  1488. "问题和意见" = "Help & Feedback";
  1489. "类型选择" = "Choose category";
  1490. "关于我们" = "About us";
  1491. "确定要把此人移出黑名单吗?" = "Confirm to remove this user from the blacklist?";
  1492. "确定要退出登录吗?" = "Confirm to log out?";
  1493. "请输入提现金额" = "Please enter the withdrawal amount";
  1494. "最多提现" = "Maximum withdrawal";
  1495. "绑定成功" = "Connected";
  1496. "绑定失败" = "Failed to connect";
  1497. "为了您的账户安全,请联系客服解绑。" = "For the safety of your account, please contact customer service.";
  1498. "暂无提现记录" = "No withdrawal record available";
  1499. "选择性别" = "Choose gender";
  1500. "男士" = "Male";
  1501. "女士" = "Female";
  1502. "地区选择" = "Choose Area";
  1503. "修改成功" = "Changed";
  1504. "请选择标签" = "Please select tags";
  1505. "设置成功" = "Information updated";
  1506. "不能为空" = "Can't be empty";
  1507. "保存" = "Save";
  1508. "请选择封面" = "Please select the cover";
  1509. "没有相关公会" = "Can’t the MCN";
  1510. "主播公会解约" = "The MCN has terminated the contract";
  1511. "已提交申请" = "Application submitted";
  1512. "你还没有粉丝哦~" = "You don't have fans yet";
  1513. "缺少手持身份证正面的照片" = "Lack of photos holding the front of the id card";
  1514. "缺少身份证正面照片" = "Lack of id card front photo";
  1515. "缺少身份证反面照片" = "Missing id card negative photo";
  1516. "授权成功" = "Authorization complate";
  1517. "请输入正确的手机号" = "Please enter a correct mobile number";
  1518. "请确认协议选项" = "Please confirm the protocol options";
  1519. "验证码错误" = "Verification code error";
  1520. "相机权限目前为关闭,请前往\"设置\"打开。" = "Access to camera is currently restricted, please go to Settings to enable it.";
  1521. "相册权限目前受限制,请前往\"设置\"打开。" = "Access to the album is currently restricted, please go to Settings to enable it.";
  1522. "您还没有允许麦克风权限" = "Access to microphone is currently restricted";
  1523. "去设置一下吧" = "Go to settings to enable access";
  1524. "暂时没有数据" = "No data yet";
  1525. "万" = "K";
  1526. "亿" = "B";
  1527. "万亿" = "TN";
  1528. "无法使用相机" = "Unable to use camera";
  1529. "请在iPhone的\"设置-隐私-相机\"中允许访问相机" = "Please allow access to the camera in \"Settings - privacy - camera\" on iPhone";
  1530. "暂无数据" = "Temporarily no data";
  1531. "没有找到符合条件的人" = "Can’t find any qualified user";
  1532. "登陆后才能查看信息" = "You can't view the content after logging in";
  1533. "去登陆" = "Log in";
  1534. "暂时没有关注" = "No follower";
  1535. "暂时没有" = "Temporarily no";
  1536. "暂时没有充值" = "No top up records found";
  1537. "暂时没有记录" = "No record found";
  1538. "暂时没有订阅" = "No subscriptions yet";
  1539. "暂时没有访客" = "No visitors yet";
  1540. "请查看网络状态" = "Please check your network connection";
  1541. "重新连接" = "Reconnect";
  1542. "发送失败" = "Failed to send";
  1543. "分享完成" = "Share complete";
  1544. "取消分享" = "Cancel";
  1545. "分享失败" = "Failed to share";
  1546. "拒绝授权" = "Reject authorization";
  1547. "用户取消" = "User cancelled";
  1548. "登录失败" = "Login failed";
  1549. "取消登录" = "Cancel login";
  1550. "用户取消分享" = "User canceled share";
  1551. "用户取消授权" = "User canceled authorization";
  1552. "当前使用的手机流量,您是否继续?" = "Do you want to continue with date roaming";
  1553. "取消上传" = "Cancel upload";
  1554. "人观看" = " view";
  1555. "主播等级%ld级" = "Streamer’s level: lv%ld";
  1556. "粉丝团%ld人" = "Fans Group:%ld";
  1557. "Ta的房间" = "The streamer’s room";
  1558. "进入直播间" = "Enter room";
  1559. "暂无消息" = "No message";
  1560. "国家" = "Country";
  1561. "关注列表" = "Following list";
  1562. "粉丝列表" = "Fan list";
  1563. "已认证" = "Verified";
  1564. "未通过" = "Denied";